NY Stun Gun Laws 2020

From CriminalDefenseLawyer.com

In 2019, a federal court struck down a New York law that made it illegal for civilians for possess stun guns or Tasers anywhere and for any reason. The court left open the possibility that certain restrictions on these weapons could pass constitutional muster. But until the state changes its laws, New Yorkers are free to buy, keep, and use stun guns—as long as they don’t use them to commit other crimes.

Where can I buy a TASER gun?

When most people refer to a TASER gun, they are referring to the TASER Pulse.

Taser Pulse

You can buy a TASER gun from ThugBusters.  We are one of the few stun gun and TASER dealers located in the state of NY.  They are available on our web site here, or you can check out our booth at one of our appearances around the state. 

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