
Byrna® MaxProjectiles Pepper Rounds 25ct


Byrna MaxProjectiles Pepper Rounds – powerful blend of Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) , PAVA and Tear Gas

SKU: CE-HH68315 Categories: ,

Byrna’s most powerful proprietary blend of pepper and tear gas: OC and CS combined in one powerful shot. With rapid incapacitating effects, superior dispersion, and the highest concentration of chemical irritants available, Byrna Max projectiles deliver unmatched stopping power for ultimate self-defense. Exposure to chemical irritants often triggers severe disorientation and agitation, inducing fear, anxiety, and panic in potential attackers. Upon impact, the projectiles release a concentrated cloud of irritant that quickly disperses into the air, incapacitating the target almost instantly. Within moments, the area of saturation expands in all directions from the point of impact, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Byrna MaxProjectiles Summary

  • Disperse a large pepper cloud upon contact so you don’t have to hit the target
  • Causes a burning in the throat, wheezing, gagging, and inability to breathe for 30 min
  • 1% Oloresin Capsicum (OC), 4% PAVA and 8% Tear Gas (CS) formula is the most powerful on the market

Byrna MaxProjectiles Physical Effects

  • Burning in throat
  • Wheezing
  • Gasping
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Gagging
  • Inability to breathe
  • Nausea
  • Burning of the eyes
  • Burning of the lungs
  • Chest tightness
  • Excessive salivation
Weight .2 lbs


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