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ThugBusters Premium 80MV Runt Stun Gun, Flashlight And Safety Strap


Premium Runt Stun Gun with Safety Disable Pin

Carry peace of mind with our best-selling stun gun! Features thug-stopping power, wrist strap works like a “kill switch” to disable the stun gun if taken away from you, ultra-bright flashlight, recharges by plugging it to the wall.



You can now buy this Runt stun gun flashlight combo nationwide!

This Thug Buster Stun gun aka taser says “Go away, creep!” loud and clear. We know that there are a lot of people out there who call this Thug Buster a taser, but the proper name for it is a stun gun.   The Runt Stun Gun is one of our all-time best sellers!  This makes for great Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers and it’s perfect for a graduation gift. We’re a small business – shop small for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

Sorry, stun guns cannot be shipped to the city of Chicago.

Here’s the scenario:
You’re walking out to your car, perhaps in a parking lot or a parking garage. Maybe you’re just walking someplace where you just don’t feel safe, like across campus. Put the strap around your wrist as you leave the building. There’s someone following you, or a thug hanging around in the parking lot, or maybe you just don’t feel safe. Slide the button halfway for a very bright flashlight. You can even use the flashlight as a weapon – shine the light right in his eyes. At the very least, even in a well-lit location, it will give him spots in his eyes for a few minutes. In a dark location, the flashlight will temporarily blind him.

He keeps coming. Slide the button on the runt stun gun all the way forward to arm the stun gun. The red light will come on and the flashlight will shut off. He’s going to think your flashlight failed, and now is his opportunity. He’s now within arm’s reach. Squeeze the trigger as you push the stun gun into his ribs, the belly or even better yet, the groin. He will get the full effect of this very powerful stun gun. Hold the thug buster on him as long as you can – if you can get a couple of seconds, he’s going down. Here’s the best part – if you only get a “love tap” on him and he takes it away from you, he can’t hurt you with it because you still have the safety pin attached to your wrist.

There may be times you might want to fire the taser into the air, like a warning. That crackle is a very distinctive sound, just like the “chuck-chuck” when a shot gun is pumped. To a thug, that will translate to “Leave me alone, or you’re going to have a really bad day.” Makes  great graduation gift for those going away for the first time in the fall!

3 seconds or more will most likely put him on the ground. A quick tap from the stun gun aka taser will feel like a really bad grease burn or shortening burn – ever been burned by hot grease? It’s also like a really bad electrical burn, or when you smash your finger with a hammer. Your whole brain freezes for a minute or two while you’re dealing with the pain. That “brain freeze” time after you zap him, while he’s trying to figure out what just hit him, is your escape time!

Where do you hit him with the runt stun gun? Never go for the arm, as the arm can take a lot of pain. Go for the soft belly, the chest (if you hit a rib, it will radiate through the chest), or the best spot – right in the groin. Ideally, you would go for the side of the neck, but you might not be able to get there. Even if he has his arms around your chest, just reach back and zap with the taesr. Even if you hit the leg, the leg is going to buckle.

The runt stun gun aka taser is effective through light clothing or jeans. We get asked all the time “What if he’s wearing a jacket?”. Well, it’s rare that someone wears a jacket below the waist. That means your prime target – the family jewels – are an easy target for the taser! Get it as a graduation gift for someone going off to college.

The most important thing is to put the strap of the runt stun gun around your wrist. That’s the whole key as to why this stun gun is so effective. Take it out of your purse, just like you would take your keys out before you leave the building. The last thing you want to do in an emergency situation is fish around in your purse trying to find this.

This stun gun has a built-in charger. Slide the button out to expose the plug, and plug it into an outlet over night (just the first time you charge it. That overnight charge will last you about 3 months. These are not like your cell phone that you have to charge very other day. Every once a month or so, take it out and give it a zap. If the taser sounds “tired”, or it is zapping slower than normal, just charge it up for an hour or two and you’re good to go. Makes a great graduation gift!

All our thug buster products have a lifetime warranty. Just ship it back to us, or return it at a show, and we will be more than happy to replace it. No hassles, no fuss, no argument – we’ll take care of you.

Our favorite self-defense thug buster!  80 million volts of stopping power with this pink Runt!  This will only fire when the wrist strap is plugged into the unit. The wrist strap attaches with a plug-in pin at the base of the unit. When you wear the strap around your wrist, and the attacker takes the unit from you, the stun gun aka taser  is disarmed and can’t be used against you! Then you can give him a nice “hello” with one of our pepper sprays! No wonder its a great graduation gift.

The built-in flashlight on the thug buster can also work to temporarily blind the attacker. Just shine it right into his eyes. Comes with a nylon belt loop holster. Recharges by plugging into the wall.  Charge is good for about 90 days. What a thoughtful graduation gift!

4.5 milliamps with a fresh charge.

– Safety on/off switch
– Available in 5 colors Black, Pink, Red, Purple,  and Blue
– 4 ¼” x 1 5/8” x 1”

Click Here to See Matching Holster

Weight 0.4 lbs

Black, Blue, Pink, Purple, Red

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