Safety Products for Spring Break 2023

Heading for a US destination for Spring Break 2023?  Don’t forget to pack some protection.  No, not that stuff!  We have a great selection of pepper sprays aka mace, stun guns aka tasers, and safety alarms that can help keep college students safe.



Streetwise 18 purple pepper spray in hand
Spring Break 2023 Pepper Spray
pink runt stun gun womans hand safety strap
Spring Break 2023 Stun Guns aka tasers
ThugBusters Personal Panic Alarm Blue
Spring Break 2023 Personal Safety Alarms
  • If you’re heading outside the US, like Cancun, the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominican Republic, etc, please check the local laws at your destination.
  • Traveling by air?
  • Stun guns, tasers and pepper sprays must be carried in your CHECKED LUGGAGE, not your carry-on!  TSA will call that a donation if they find it in your carry-on!
  • Consider shipping your items to the hotel (include your room number) once your Spring Break plans are complete.  We ship to US addresses only.  

Looking for your school’s Spring Break 2023 dates? Check out

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New TASER Pulse in stock!